Who We Serve
Holyoke STEM Academy is a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics school for around 280 students in grades 6-8. Our school is co-located on the Holyoke High School Dean Campus. STEM Academy is a pipeline into our Engineering and Life Sciences Academy (ELS) learning academy at Holyoke High School.
About STEM
STEM learning is hands-on and highly engaging for students. It promotes strong problem solving and communication skills, which are needed in all occupations. Most of the fastest growing and best paying occupations are in the STEM fields, according to the U.S. Labor Department.
Our Vision
The STEM vision is the same as the district's: HPS is a high-performing school system where students reach their full potential, educators inspire, families are partners, and the community thrives.
We REACH: Reflect • Embrace empathy • Apply critical thinking • Communicate effectively • students Help themselves and others.