Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System – MCAS
The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)—developed and administered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Student Assessment Services team—provides statewide assessments for students in grades 3-8 and 10.
These annual assessments help families, students, educators, and policymakers determine where districts, schools, and students are meeting expectations and where they need additional support. The MCAS remains closely aligned to the Common Core Standards that were adopted as Massachusetts State Frameworks in July 2011. Results from the MCAS assessment are used by Holyoke Public Schools to inform professional development for teachers, curriculum material purchases, and instructional practices. Assessment results also help families understand how their children are performing relative to the state Frameworks.
Families are asked to provide encouragement and reassurance for their children as they prepare to take the MCAS assessments. Children should be reminded that the assessments provide an opportunity to share how much they know and are able to do—but at the same time, the results provide only one piece of information demonstrating their many talents.