Translation and Interpretation Services

Interpreter Sharina De Leon greets families at Rising Stars to offer translation services
Department Contacts
Language Access Office
57 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Send the Language Access Office an Email
Linnette Clayton
Manager of Language Access
Send Linnette Clayton an Email
District Translators and Interpreters
Diego Acosta
Sharina De León Bermúdez
Raylis Escobar
Marilyn Ramos
Sarah Sierra Larrañaga
What is Language Access?
Holyoke Public Schools recognizes that access to language connects people and communities! We thrive to provide language services ensuring families and staff members are able to communicate and understand each other regardless of their language skills or cultural background. To help with that, the Office of Language Access coordinates all translation (in writing) and spoken communications to individuals whose preferred language is one other than English.
Our Language Access Guide explains our guiding principles as well as the procedures we follow to deliver translation and interpretation services to all families who need them. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
What we do
The Office of Language Access is committed to building relationships with families, and ensuring that all parents and guardians are able to meaningfully participate in their child's education. To meet the needs of our students and families who do not speak English, the Language Access Team manages the translation of documents in our district for Spanish, Haitian Creole, Arabic, Portuguese, Swahili, Vietnamese, Kirundi, Khmer, Mandarin, and any other language. Providing access to documents in a language parents and guardians understand, allows for effective communication with school staff.
We also ensure professional interpreters for school and district meetings and events are available for our families.
Requesting services
Parents and Guardians
If you need translation and interpretation services, contact the main office of your child’s school. If your preferred language of communication is other than English, the district/school must provide you with “essential information” in the language you specify.
Holyoke Public School Employees
Please request translation and interpretation services through the Language Access page of the Staff Resource Center.