High School Redesign

HHS North students receive feedback on Spanish-language composition as part of the Dual Language program
HHS North Redesign Academy Leads:
Erick Zorilla
Performing and Media Arts Academy
Send Erick Zorilla an email
Kyle Hobson
Community and Global Studies Academy
Send Kyle Hobson an email
Mary Brazeau
Engineering and Life Science Academy
Send Mary Brazeau an email
Holyoke High School Dean
Joel McAuliffe
Career and Technical Education Director
Send Joel McAuliffe an email
Holyoke High School Opportunity Academy
Christopher Smidy
School and Community Partnerships Coordinator
Send Christopher Smidy an email
About Holyoke High School Redesign
The Holyoke Public Schools are transforming the high school experience to ensure that every student has a high-quality educational option, with a focus on college and careers for all students. Released in SY16-17, our innovative High School Redesign Plan creates high interest pathways for students that result in a competitive advantage after high school. The plan was developed by nearly 100 educators, students, community members and national experts with support from the Barr Foundation.
Across the North, Dean, and Opportunity campuses, every pathway:
Prepares students for career and college success
Has applied learning opportunities in the classroom and the community
Is aligned to 21st century education and industry-based standards
Provides opportunities for students to earn stackable credentials
At North Campus, students select to participate in one of three theme-based academies (Performing and Media Arts, Community and Global Studies, and Engineering and Life Science). At Dean Campus, students select one of the nine career, vocational and technical education (CVTE) programs. At Opportunity Academy, students select between a set of alternative high school pathways that allow them to continue or restart on a pathway to a diploma if they are not succeeding in a traditional high school setting.
You may review our original plan to the left. Please note that as we have revised aspects of the plan throughout implementation, as we learn together how to make this redesign plan fit the needs and interests of our students and staff.
Improved Graduation and Dropout Rates
More students are continuing to graduate, especially students who are English Learners and students with disabilities. The 2023 graduate rate of 74.6% represents a 14.4-point increase in the graduation rate since pre-receivership. Over the same time period, graduation rates increased 23.4 points to 62.1% for students who are English Learners (EL) and increased 17.5 points to 51.7% for students with disabilities. Meanwhile, the drop-out rate is an average of 5% during the time of receivership, compared to nearly 8% in SY15.