
Laura Espinoza-Mufson
Associate Director of Multilingual Learning
Send Laura Espinoza-Mufson an Email

Mission Statement

Through a lens of equity and justice, all Dual Language students reach high levels of academic achievement and emerge as bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural learners.

Vision Statement

All students in HPS dual language programs will be recognized for having high levels of academic achievement and biliteracy through rigorous standards-based instruction in Spanish and English  that enhances student motivation and engagement in their own learning.

Dual Language Program

Holyoke Public Schools' Dual Language Program gives students the opportunity to learn in both English and Spanish. Under this innovative program model, students are taught all grade level subjects in both languages every day. The program's goal is for students to reach high levels of academic achievement, bilingualism, and biliteracy in a safe and engaging learning environment that values multiculturalism while preparing students for college and careers. Students in dual-language immersion programs—including those who are native Spanish speakers—outperform their monolingual peers on standardized tests beginning in middle school. Dual language learning helps close achievement gaps for all students. (Thomas and Collier, "Why Dual Language Schooling").

For the 2023-24 school year, the E.N. White School provides the dual language program for grades PreK-5, while Kelly School provides the dual language program for grades PreK-3. Kelly School will continue to grow one grade level per year until they have grades PreK-5. Sullivan Middle School will continue to host the middle school pathway, and Holyoke High School North will host the high school pathway.  

Dual Language Program school tours are available by appointment. Please contact the school principal for more information.

Enrollment Information for School Year 2024-25

The dual language program is right for all students, including students who are English dominant, Spanish dominant, already bilingual, not exposed to either language,  on an IEP, not on an IEP, etc. There is an age requirement. For the 2024-25 school year, students entering preschool must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024. All students applying for grades 1 and up will need to be evaluated to determine their verbal, written, and reading level in Spanish. Those students must meet the Spanish language criteria for the grade they are applying to in order to be accepted into that grade.

Students are accepted into the Dual Language Program through three lottery rounds: Round 1, Round 2, and Rolling Admission.  We aim to accept an equal balance of students that are Spanish-dominant speakers, English-dominant speakers, and bilingual speakers.  

  • Round 1 (opens February 12 and closes March 22). This round is open to all students across the district, but priorities will be for siblings currently enrolled in the dual language program, children of HPS employees, and residents of the E.N. White and Kelly zones.

  • Round 2 (opens April 1 and closes May 17). This round is open to all students across the district.

  • Rolling admission opens (June 28) and is also open to all students across the district.

Elementary Dual Language Immersion Model

Pre-K and Kindergarten

80% of daily learning is in Spanish

20% of daily learning is in English

Grade 1

70% of daily learning is in Spanish

30% of daily learning is in English

Grades 2-5

50% of daily learning is in Spanish

50% of daily learning is in English

Secondary Dual Language Immersion Model

Grades 6-8 (Sullivan MS)

2 courses in Spanish per year

Spanish Language Arts plus either math or science in Spanish depending on grade level

Grades 9-10 (HHS North)

2 courses in Spanish per year

Spanish language arts, US History and Biology in Spanish

Grade 11 (HHS North)
Grade 12 will be added for the 2026-27 school year

2 courses in Spanish per year

Courses may include: AP Spanish Language, Senior Capstone in Spanish, and opportunities for Early College Courses at Holyoke Community College