ABOUT OUr School
What We Offer
Sullivan Middle School serves approximately 510 students in grades 6-8 and provides a rigorous curriculum with the expectation that all of our students can succeed and thrive in their classrooms. Our school is the home for middle school Dual Language students and also the home for students in SHINE and the TIP program.
Our Values
Sullivan Middle School shares the same core values as all other Holyoke schools, which reflect the key qualities in the district's Profile of a Learner that spell out REACH as an acronym: Reach and persist • Embrace empathy and kindness • Apply critical thinking • Communicate effectively • Help ourselves and others.
Our Supports
We believe students who receive services via IEPs and students who are English learners bring tremendous assets to their education. Our goal is to see and honor those assets while providing supports in an inclusive environment.
Mission And Vision
Our mission is to provide a rigorous, world class education for all of the students we serve. Our vision for students is that they leave our school and enter high school with all of the skills required to succeed in any pathway that they choose.