The middle school building project continues to move along as scheduled, with contracts signed and American Environmental Inc.—a Holyoke-based company—beginning the abatement, demolition, and filling, and leveling work at the William R. Peck Middle School site.
The consultant team has submitted the 60% construction documents and supporting documentation to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). Construction cost estimates came in at $65.6 million and $66.4 million, or $4-5 million less than the previously estimated $70.6 million. Keep in mind: The total $86.5 million cost of the project includes architect and project management fees, insurance, furniture, technology, and other related costs that are not physical parts of the new school building.
“This additional cushion should hopefully give the city flexibility to include about $1.8 million in alternate sitework that was previously proposed if funding becomes available, which includes connecting the new middle school with the high school campus by revamping the connecting pathway known as the dingle,” said Margaret Minor Wood of Anser Advisory. She serves as Holyoke’s project manager for the new middle school construction project.
Holyoke’s Planning Board met on September 12 to review the application for a site plan review and on September 18 to review the application for a stormwater permit. The planning board will conduct a site visit on September 20 and will meet again on October 10.
Next steps for the rest of this school year include:
November 2023: Advertise for construction bids in two stages (filed sub-bids followed by general contractor bids).
December 2023: Complete demolition of existing Peck School.
December 2023: Finalize construction documents and submit them to the Massachusetts School Building Authority.
Early 2024: Open bids, select lowest qualified bidder.