ACCESS season has begun for our multilingual ESL students! Holyoke Public School staff and teachers wish success to all students participating in this important test. We celebrate all your languages and linguistic abilities; multilingualism is a superhero power! We are excited to celebrate your success in academic and social English when the results of this test are released in the Spring. Students who are ESL students received a letter with the dates of testing. Please help us cheer on your students to show all they know! - (SPANISH) ¡La temporada de ACCESS ha comenzado para nuestros estudiantes multilingües de ESL! El personal y los maestros de las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke desean éxito a todos los estudiantes que participan en esta importante prueba. Celebramos todos sus idiomas y habilidades lingüísticas; ¡El multilingüismo es un superhéroe! Estamos emocionados de celebrar su éxito en inglés académico y social cuando se publiquen los resultados de esta prueba en la primavera. ¡La temporada de ACCESS ha comenzado para nuestros estudiantes multilingües de ESL! El personal y los maestros de las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke desean éxito a todos los estudiantes que participan en esta importante prueba. Celebramos todos tus idiomas y habilidades lingüísticas; ¡El multilingüismo es un poder de superhéroe! Estamos emocionados de celebrar su éxito en inglés académico y social cuando se publiquen los resultados de esta prueba en la primavera. Los estudiantes de ESL recibieron una carta con las fechas de los exámenes. ¡Ayúdenos a animar a sus estudiantes para que demuestren todo lo que saben! - (HAITIAN CREOLE) Sezon ACCESS kòmanse pou elèv ESL nou yo ki pale plizyè lang! Anplwaye Lekòl Piblik Holyoke ak pwofesè yo swete siksè pou tout elèv ki patisipe nan tès enpòtan sa a. Nou selebre tout lang ou ak kapasite lengwistik ou yo; miltilinguism se yon superhero! Nou kontan selebre siksè ou nan angle akademik ak sosyal lè rezilta tès sa a ap pibliye nan prentan an. Elèv ki se elèv ESL yo te resevwa yon lèt ak dat tès yo. Tanpri ede nou ankouraje elèv ou yo pou montre tout sa yo konnen! - (SWAHILI) Msimu wa ACCESS umeanza kwa wanafunzi wetu wa lugha nyingi wa ESL! Wafanyakazi na walimu wa Shule ya Umma ya Holyoke wanawatakia mafanikio wanafunzi wote watakaoshiriki katika mtihani huu muhimu. Tunasherehekea lugha zako zote na uwezo wako wa kiisimu; lugha nyingi ni shujaa! Tunayo furaha kusherehekea mafanikio yako katika Kiingereza cha kitaaluma na kijamii wakati matokeo ya jaribio hili yanapotolewa katika Majira ya kuchipua. Wanafunzi ambao ni wanafunzi wa ESL walipokea barua yenye tarehe za majaribio. Tafadhali tusaidie kuwashangilia wanafunzi wako ili kuonyesha yote wanayojua!
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Word cloud with Good Luck in English and a variety of languages
Holyoke Public Schools are closed today, Tuesday, January 16 due to winter conditions. No afterschool activities. - La Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke estarán cerradas hoy, martes 16 de enero debido a las condiciones invernales. No habrán actividades extraescolares.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Calendar saying school closed January 16
Holyoke Public Schools are closed today, Monday, January 16 due to winter conditions. No afterschool activities. - La Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke estarán cerradas hoy, martes 16 de enero debido a las condiciones invernales. No habrán actividades extraescolares.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
HPS schools will be closed on Monday, January 15 in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. - Las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke estarán cerradas el lunes 15 de enero en conmemoración del Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Calendar page showing no school on January 15
Holyoke Public Schools is operating on a two-hour delay today, Monday, January 8 due to expected freezing conditions in the early morning. Morning Pre-K is canceled. - Las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke están operando con un retraso de dos horas, hoy lunes, 8 de enero debido a las condiciones de temperaturas bajo cero en la madrugada. El prekínder de la mañana está cancelado.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Calendar showing 2-hour delay on January 8
Holyoke Public Schools has received a supply of warm clothing from the Cradle to Crayons Seasonal Clothing and Coats program. To request winter clothing for your children, please complete this Google form: If you have any questions, please call the HPS Enrollment Office at (413) 534-2000, Option 1.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Smiling child wearing knit hat pulled down over their eyes
Holyoke Public Schools has received a supply of warm clothing from the Cradle to Crayons Seasonal Clothing and Coats program. To request winter clothing for your children, please complete this Google form: If you have any questions, please call the HPS Enrollment Office at (413) 534-2000, Option 1.
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Child wearing knit hat pulled down over their eyes
Friday, December 22 will be a three-hour early release for students. Winter break will run through Monday, January 1, with a return to school on Tuesday, January 2. Schools will be closed again on Friday, January 5, in celebration of Three Kings Day and again on Monday, January 15, in recognition of Martin Luther King Day. Please visit our calendars page to view the updated calendar or three-hour early release schedule:
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Calendar showing three-hour early release on December 22
(Ñ⬇️) TONIGHT! HPS Special Education students and their families are welcome to attend the SEPAC Holiday Celebration from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Holyoke Merry Go Round at Heritage State Park, 221 Appleton Street. Includes free carousel rides and other fun activities!
about 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Boy riding carousel
Mark your calendar! The Holyoke Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Holiday Celebration is scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, 2023 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Holyoke Merry Go Round at Heritage State Park, 221 Appleton Street. Everyone is welcome to participate in this year-end celebration and holiday party, which includes free carousel rides and other fun activities for children and their families.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Boy riding on carousel horse
Boy riding on carousel horse
Do your children eat breakfasts or lunches provided through their school cafeteria? If so, please take this brief survey by December 1. - ¿Comen sus hijos desayunos o almuerzos proporcionados por la cafetería de su escuela? Si es así, realice por favor esta pequeña encuesta antes del 1 de diciembre.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Cafeteria employee serving students in tray line
Shout out to 13 new teachers who participated in the 5-week Saturday series to further develop as educators. The sessions will feature practice clinics for classroom management, guided work time for lesson planning and grading, workshops on HPS systems and structures, and guest speakers. Every teacher walks away with tangible products and practices they can use right away in their classrooms.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Three teachers working on a lesson plan
Teacher practicing lesson with two teachers seated on floor
Two teachers working at student desks
With the holiday season around the corner, now is a good time for families, students, and educators to get their COVID-19 and flu vaccinations if they have not already. More information is available on our HPS Health, Wellness, and Nursing page ( and on the Department of Public Health’s website (
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Help HPS! There's still time to complete our Panorama survey by November 22. Please complete one survey for each school where you have a child attending.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Tablet showing survey with finger pointing to screen
United Way of Pioneer Valley has opened the newest food pantry in the city to serve area families in a downtown section of Holyoke considered to be a “food desert” since there are limited options to purchase food within walking distance of the neighborhood. The cupboard, located at 164 Race Street, is open Thursdays from 2:30-5:30 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Stories of Resilience and Adaptation! Join Nuestras Raices for stories celebrating the power of community and joy in the face of climate change from 5:30-8 p.m. tomorrow, Friday November 10, at El Mercado, 413 Main Street, Holyoke. Hear storytellers from our community and get a chance to share your own stories. Dinner will be provided by De Todo Un Poco free of charge. To RSVP, call Cielo at (774) 242-8660 or email
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Sky, sun, and agricultural workers
Sky, sun, and agricultural workers
Reminder: Turn back your clocks on Sunday, November 5. Daylight Saving Time officially ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 5 in Massachusetts—so be sure to set your clocks back one hour late Saturday evening or Sunday morning! While some digital clocks will automatically adjust for seasonal Daylight Savings Time changes, many won’t. The annual fall back to standard time means there will be one hour less of daylight in the afternoons and one additional hour in the mornings.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
orange clock on laptop
Trunk or Treat! Everyone is welcome to this fun family event presented by Holyoke SEPAC and Holyoke Public Schools. Event runs 6-7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, at HHS North, 500 Beech Street.
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Flyer with pumpkins and candy baskets
Flyer with pumpkins and candy baskets
Interested in working for Holyoke Public Schools? Come find our booth at the job fair at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield until 7 p.m. today to learn more about current openings. HR Generalist Maria Borras and Director of Recruitment and Induction Christie Elman will be there to answer your questions!
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools
two women seated at table with recruiting materials
Holyoke Public School’s “Moving Forward” strategic plan is now available for viewing and downloading in English and Spanish. Now in its second year, the strategic plan has been updated to include new benchmarks for the 2023-24 school year that will drive strategic efforts for the second year of the plan. The English file is here: The Spanish file is here:
over 1 year ago, Holyoke Public Schools