We celebrate Morgan Jags with Attendance for the month of September. Thanks for coming to school everyday!
Up, Up, and Away! Mrs. Rorrio’s full day PreK worked together using the parachute with Mr. P in physical education class! 💜🐾💜
Today there was an ice cream party in third grade for the students who earned the secret student which they get for following the Jag Way!
Morgan School's Family Fun Night last night! Hispanic Heritage Month Edition. What a great start of our first Family Fun Night, with music, karaoke, local performer and good food. Families enjoyed each others company and sang their favorite song. Thanks to Morgan School staff, teachers and families that attended. To our volunteers and Shsni Holyoke. Local performer Chamett for time to perform.
Thanks to Nueva Esperanza, Inc. for putting this movie in the park, together!
Morgan School Families attended and had a good time while there. Always a great time seeing students having fun, bouncing around. 😆😆😆😆😆
😆😆😆Thanks to families, staff, teachers and community partners for coming out to Open House.
Thanks to Brendaliz Cepeda y Bomba De Aqui for the opening performance. It was good to open it up with some music.
It was awesome seeing families enjoying a little Bomba 💃🕺 and stopping by the after-school program tables. Students were super happy to show their classroom and work to their families.
Showing the JAG WAY…we are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE at Morgan School!
Did you know the word menu is a cognate, that means the word is spelled the same in english and Spanish. In English it is pronounced Menu and in Spanish it is Menú . 💜🐾💜
Spanish Word of the Day: Hispanic Heritage Month
La Guagua (la wawa): In Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic guagua means bus. Did you know in other countries like Chile and ecuador guagua means baby!
Mrs. Rorrio’s full day PreK students check out their sensory board on their way to class!
Twinning in 4th grade!
📚📚Tomorrow we will be welcoming back Pre-K and Kinder into Morgan School! Can't wait to see those little smiling faces.
Spiderman was the spotlight of Morgan School's Back to School Event! Look at the beautiful moments captured. Families, students, teachers, staff, community partners.
Morgan School PreK and Kindergarten Staff were so excited to meet some of our new Morgan Jags and see some of our Morgan Jags moving onto new schools. We will always have a special place in our hearts for all Morgan Jags…past, present, and future 🐾💜🐾
Hello Morgan Jags! Let’s meet our new counselors! 🐾💜🐾
On Monday we welcomed back our 1st to 5th grade Morgan Jags! We were so excited to see everyone and can’t wait for a great year! 💜🐾💜
We are so excited to welcome back our 1st to 5th grade Morgan Jags! Morgan Jags can meet their teachers on the playground at 8:30. We can’t wait to see everyone!