Our Mission
High school offers an important time of transition in our students’ lives. At Holyoke High School North Campus, we host a comprehensive academic program, featuring three linked-learning academies that focus on a specific series of courses, projects, and work-based experiences.
Our Vision
We ensure that all students are known and understood as unique individuals and acquire the knowledge and skills needed through instruction that is engaging, challenging, and empowering. All students will graduate prepared to pursue and complete post secondary opportunities as well as succeed and flourish as empowered citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse, evolving society.
Our Mission
We are committed to providing equitable, high quality education for all students that provides the critical skills and tools to develop their own well being and positively engage in their communities and the world.
Our Beliefs
• All students want to belong and have academic success • If a student feels like they belong, they are more likely to have academic success • Our work is to make EVERY student feel like they belong; this will result in ALL students having academic success.