Holyoke High School students from all three campuses are invited to participate in a YELO Forum (Youth Engage with Legislators and Officials) in the cafeteria at Holyoke High School North from 3-5 p.m. on Friday, October 20.
The forum brings together local elected officials and young people for candid roundtable discussions on issues that matter to the young people. It’s a lively, engaging event. State Senator John Velis, State Rep. Pat Duffy, Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia, Councilor Jenny Rivera, Councilor Kocayne (Koco) Givner, Councilor Israel Rivera, and School Board Committee Member Mildred Lefebvre are scheduled to participate.
Students from Opportunity Academy, Dean Technical, and Holyoke High North are encouraged to sign up using this RSVP form. The program will include three 20-minute roundtable discussions. Students will self-select which topic they want to discuss. Pizza and snacks will be provided.