Dual Language teacher raises her hand high while  teaching about role models

Students in Holyoke’s Dual Language program are taught in both English and Spanish, ensuring an immersive experience in both languages throughout the school day—and so much more.

That’s a big part of the appeal for the district’s Dual Language teachers, who bring their passion for learning and their own bilingual experiences to their classrooms.

Jesenia DeJesus, once a student here in Holyoke, has returned to the classroom, serving as an English language arts teacher for students in grade 7 at Sullivan Middle School. “I love working in the dual language program at Sullivan because I get to teach in English and Spanish,” she explained. “I get to support all the students who are learning a second language. I was also a Spanish-speaking student when I attended this school.”

Miss DeJesus has big dreams for all of her students as they explore both languages. “I hope my students will learn how to write amazing narrative stories and essays, and learn how to love reading, how to close read, and really stay engaged in their learning every day.”

Merly Vega teaches Spanish language arts to Sullivan’s sixth-grade dual language students. While the subjects she and her colleagues teach are an integral part of the curriculum, she said, “I think respect and discipline is the most important thing” for students to develop, no matter what their ultimate life goals might be.

During a recent classroom discussion centered on Hispanic Heritage Month, Miss Vega’s students were enthralled to learn about Roberto Clemente, a beloved Puerto Rican professional baseball player who played 18 seasons in Major League Baseball for the Pittsburgh Pirates, primarily as a right fielder. “For my students looking to be baseball players and dreaming to be like Roberto Clemente one day, I always tell (them) you need to be respectful. You have to follow your dreams, but your discipline needs to be there, too.” 

The Dual language program is offered this year at E.N. White Elementary for grades PreK-5, at Kelly Elementary for grades PreK-4, at Sullivan Middle for grades 6-8, and at HHS North for grades 9-10. The program helps students reach high levels of academic achievement, bilingualism, and biliteracy in a safe and engaging learning environment that values multiculturalism while preparing students for college and careers.