Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs)

Two McMahon students read books of their choice during quiet reading time

Two McMahon students demonstrate responsibility and participation by reading at their own pace during quiet reading time


Stephen R. Mahoney, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent
Send Stephen Mahoney an Email
(413) 534-2020, extension 1153

What are Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs)?

  • Responsibility: Take charge of your education and persevere through challenges

  • Participation: Be an active, helpful, and empathetic member of your classroom community

  • Reflection and Revision: Pursue growth and apply critical thinking

Why are HOWLs important?

HOWLs guide and reinforce productive academic behavior that helps students become independent learners and successful community members. They help create a supportive learning environment.

How are HOWLs used in the classroom?  

Teachers identify and incorporate the HOWLs target into lessons and positively call out when students are applying HOWLs. Depending on the grade level, HOWLs count as 15-25% of a course grade for students in grades 6-12.

What is the difference between HOWLs and the REACH Learner Profile? 

The REACH Learner Profile describes the most important attributes and skills a student develops throughout their educational journey. HOWLs are classroom behaviors that help students develop those attributes and skills.

Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs)

What does this look like?


Take charge of your education and  persevere through challenges

  • On time and ready to learn

  • On task throughout the whole session 

  • Turns in best work on time

  • Perseveres through challenges

  • Follows class expectations and norms

  • Seeks and uses additional support when needed


Be an active, helpful, and empathetic member of your classroom community

  • Collaborates to complete tasks, build relationships, and exchange information 

  • Communicates by actively listening to all classroom members

  • Responds to ideas and questions

  • Prepares for and takes part in whole class discussions and activities 

  • Works through disagreements

  • Asks a classmate a question/help before a teacher


Pursue growth and apply critical thinking

  • Read/reflect/revise to create the best final product

  • Be open to feedback

  • Reflect on personal performance in activity

  • Self-monitor progress toward HOWLs

  • Reflect on a lesson activity/process, making connections to Learning Targets