
Computer screens showing HPS website in various sizes


Send Communications Team an Email

Mailing Address
Holyoke Public Schools Communications
HHS North - Media Center
500 Beech Street
Holyoke, MA 01040

Phone: (413) 493-1605
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Jennie Oesterreicher

Director of Communications
Send Jennie Oesterreicher an Email

Support areas:

  • Urgent/emergent communication

  • District newsletter content

  • Event planning/coverage

  • Publicity/media outreach

  • Strategic initiatives

  • Publications

  • Other support requests not listed here

Michael Hines

Media Center Director
Send Mike Hines an Email

Support areas:

  • Video requests/support

  • Media Center (use of space, equipment)

  • Channel 12 cable access/programming

Kat Johnson

Senior Communications Coordinator

Send Kat Johnson an Email

Support areas:

  • Social media publicity/support

  • Photography requests/support

  • Website content/maintenance

  • Thrillshare (Alerts) support

The Communications Department supports internal and external communications of the Holyoke Public School District and sets the guidelines for all communications to consistently articulate Holyoke Public Schools’ mission and core values to families, staff, partners, and stakeholders.  The communications department maintains the following district communications platforms: the district and school websites, a mobile app, Channel 12 TV, Together for Holyoke e-newsletter, press releases, bulletin board messaging, event streaming, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube). We are guided by, and we follow, the district's social media guidelines.

District and school websites

Holyoke Public Schools’ website offers a wealth of information right at your fingertips, including regularly updated news, photos, and videos that can be found on the district home page or each school’s home page. The Live Feed section of the website provides quick updates about what’s happening at our schools—think of it as a social media feed right on our homepage or each school’s home page.

Mobile App

HPS offers a mobile app so families can sign up for push notifications that will be sent directly to their cell phones. Subscribers choose which types of notifications they would like to receive, and these preferences can be changed at any time. The app also offers a scaled-down version of the full website, so users can easily see upcoming cafeteria menus, read the latest news and announcements, locate needed contact information, learn about upcoming events and add them to their personal calendars, find important documents, and more. Learn more about how to download and use the mobile app in this brief YouTube video.

HPS Channel 12

HPS maintains Channel 12 as an educational television channel for city residents who subscribe to Comcast cable TV. Channel 12 broadcasts school information via “bulletin board” style announcements, as well as original programming produced by the HPS Communications Department and others. This includes information about student programs and success stories, assessment and accountability results, district accomplishments, college financing, early childhood education, vocational and technical education, graduations, drama productions, enrichment programming, athletics, HPS School Committee meetings, and much more. Many of the broadcast videos can also be accessed on the HPS Youtube channel.

The channel—established on April 25, 2005—is provided by Comcast for the City of Holyoke and is operated by HPS. It is operated out of the Media Center at Holyoke High School.

Together for Holyoke E-newsletter

HPS produces twice-monthly e-newsletters throughout the school year and monthly editions during July and August. Each edition shares stories and inspiration from our schools. The e-newsletters are emailed to all HPS families and staff, typically on Monday afternoons. Archived copies are always available on the HPS website. If you would like to be added to the Together for Holyoke distribution list, send an email to Communications Director Jennie Oesterreicher.

Social Media

HPS maintains a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. HPS  views its social media platforms as important two-way communication tools. The posted content highlights district and school achievements, events, activities, and other information intended to build connections within the Holyoke school community. HPS social media guidelines can be found here.

Media in our schools

Holyoke Public Schools welcomes members of the media into our schools and strives to provide accurate and timely information whenever possible. The HPS Communications Department should be the first point of contact for all media inquiries about the district.

  • Interviewing school leaders and staff: HPS leaders and staff are knowledgeable about a wide range of educational strategies and trends, as well as district and school-level programs, activities, and policies. If you would like to schedule an interview, please send an email to Director of Communications Jennie Oesterreicher or call (413) 493-1605 so we can help you find the correct resource for your story and help you schedule an interview.

  • Visiting schools: The HPS Communications Department will help you schedule on-site visits and school-based interviews to ensure that your visit is successful. When requesting a school-based visit or interview, please suggest several dates and times if possible, as all of our schools participate in early dismissal days, standardized testing, and school-wide events that may prohibit your visit on a specific day. 

Interviewing, photographing, and/or filming students: It is imperative that members of the media work with the HPS Communications Department to determine in advance whom they may photograph, film, and/or interview. HPS operates in compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, which allows students and their parents to opt out of the release of certain information, including photographs and video images. The HPS Communications Department will work with each school to determine who can and who cannot be photographed, filmed, or interviewed, based on student and family FERPA permissions.

Policy on flyers

Holyoke Public Schools generally does not permit the distribution of flyers or other Non-School Sponsored Literature* to students if a fee is charged for any referenced services or events. However, the Director of Communications may be able to help secure an exception if the participation fee is $5 or less, or if fee waivers or scholarships are offered based on financial need.

Advance written authorization must be granted before HPS will post or distribute any information from outside organizations to students or their families, based on the following process:

  • Only materials from school-related, non-profit organizations will be considered for approval.

  • Such materials must be approved or disapproved each time distribution is requested.

  • An exact copy of the materials to be posted or distributed in both English and Spanish should be emailed to Superintendent’s Executive Assistant Shaena Gubala, along with specific details about the intended audience and the requested method for posting or distributing.

  • Organizations should allow at least five business days for approval or denial.

  • If the request is approved, the district will provide a formal Letter of Permission that the requesting organization can share with the appropriate school or Communications staff responsible for posting or distributing the approved materials.

  • Organizations are responsible for copying, bundling, and delivering any approved materials to schools for distribution.

  • All flyers to be posted/distributed must include the following disclaimer:
    The (
    Insert program name) is not a program or event sponsored by the Holyoke Public Schools. The District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in this flyer. Permission to post/distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the District. Although the posting/distribution of this information has received District approval, the District does not assume responsibility for the content or activities described herein.

This information reflects School Committee Policy File: KHC – DISTRIBUTION OF FLYERS