(413) 540-2403
FAX: (413) 540-2416
Veraina Santiago, RN
Send Veraina Santiago an email
School Nurse Contact Information
Holyoke Public School Nurses support, coordinate, collaborate and lead health programming in the school district through Health Services, Healthy Environment, Comprehensive Health Education, Nutrition Services, Physical Education, Mental Health Services, Family/Community Relationships, and Staff Wellness.
HHS North Campus
(413) 534-2069, extension 1106
FAX: (413) 540-2421
Dominique Bruso, RN
Send Dominique Bruso an email
(413) 540-2404
FAX: (413) 540-2424
Alla Taku, RN
Send Alla Taku an email
(413) 493-1698
FAX: (413) 535-5144
Jessica Dennis, RN
Send Jessica Dennis an email
(413) 493-1696
FAX: (413) 540-2419
Mary Michaud, RN
Kimberly Renzulli, RN
Send Mary Michaud an email
Send Kimberly Renzulli an email
Transitions/Opportunity Academy
(413) 512-5361
FAX: (413) 540-2416
Tamra Pace-Hersh, LPN
Veraina Santiago, RN
Send Tamra Pace-Hersh an email
Send Veraina Santiago an email
HHS Dean Campus/STEM
(413) 493-1688
FAX: (413) 540-2429
Cynthia Theriault, RN (Dean)
Nicole Brochu, RN (STEM)
Send Cynthia Theriault an email
Send Nicole Brochu an email
E.N. White
(413) 493-1692
FAX: (413) 540-2418
Sydney Quinonez-Diaz, RN
Send Sydney Quinonez-Diaz an email
(413) 534-2115
FAX: (413) 540-2425
Stephanie Singh, RN
Send Stephanie Singh an email
(413) 540-2405
FAX: (413) 540-2420
Michelle Sattler, RN
Send Michelle Sattler an email
(413) 493-1667
FAX: (413) 540-2426
Camille Lopez, RN
Send Camille Lopez an email