Military Families


Stefany Garcia
Manager of McKinney-Vento Student Services
Send Stefany Garcia an Email
(413) 512-5308

Alessandra Graziani
Director of Special Education Compliance
Send Alessandra Graziani an Email
(413) 224-8411

Education for Children of Military Families

In accordance with the Valor Act of 2012, which established Massachusetts as a member of the MIC3, (Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission), the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is committed to providing support and assistance to the students of active duty military families to ensure the timely enrollment and graduation of this mobile population. 

The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (“Compact”) is an agreement among states to make transitions easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. The agreement mandates Compact states address specific school transition issues in a consistent manner and minimize school disruptions for military children transferring from one state school system to another. 
Consistent with the compact, Massachusetts enacted M.G.L. c. 15E which defines Eligible Military Child/Children as school-aged children, enrolled in K-12 of: 

  1. Active Duty members of the uniformed services 

  2. Members or veterans of the uniformed services who are severely injured and medically discharged or retired for a period of one year after medical discharge or retirement; and 

  3. Members or veterans of the uniformed services who die on active duty or as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one year after death. 

    1. The provisions of the law do not apply to 

      1. Inactive members of the National Guard and Reserves; 

      2. Members of the uniformed services now retired, except as above

      3. Veterans of the uniformed services, except as above; 

      4. Other U.S. Department of Defense personnel and other federal agency civilian and contract employees not defined as active duty members of the uniformed services.

Definition of terms

  1. Active Duty Member of Uniformed Services 

    1. An individual with full-time duty status in the active uniformed services of the United State, including members of the National Guard and Reserves on Active Duty 

  2. Active Uniformed services of the United States include

    1. The Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Public Health System

  3. Veteran

    1. A person who served in the uniformed services and who was discharged or released from services under conditions other than dishonorable 

  4. Student

    1. A school-aged child enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grade 

  5. Eligible Student

    1. A student qualifies under the Act if, the child is school-aged and his or her parent(s) is: 

      1. An active duty member of the uniformed service

      2. Member or veteran of the uniformed services who is severely injured and medically discharged or retired for a period of 1 (ONE) year after medical discharge or retirement

      3. Member of the uniformed services who died on active duty or as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of 1(ONE) year after death. 

  6. Ineligible Students

    1. A student does not qualify under the Act if, the child is school-aged and his or her parent(s) is: 

      1. Inactive member of the national guard and military reserves; 

      2. Member of the uniformed services now retired (except as defined above); 

      3. Veterans of the uniformed services (except defined above); and 

      4. Other United States Department of Defense personnel and other civilian and contracted employees not defined as on active duty

  7. Member State 

    1. A state that has enacted the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

  8. Sending State 

    1. The state from which a child of a military family has moved. 

  9. Receiving State 

    1. The state to which a child of a military family is sent or assigned 

  10. Transitions 

    1. The formal and physical process of transferring from school to school or the period of time in which a student moved from 1 (ONE) school in the sending state to another school in the receiving state. 

  11. Local Education Agency 

    1. A public authority legally constituted by the state as an administrative agency to provide control/direction for K-12 public education institutes (including administrative agency officials within the Agency) 

  12. Deployment

    1.  The period 1 (ONE) month prior to the service members’ departure from the members’ home station on military orders to 6 (SIX) months after returning to the members’ home station. 

  13. Required Documentation

    1. Official records, files,  and data directly related to a student and maintained by the school or local education agency including 

      1. General identifying data;

      2. Records of attendance;

      3. Records of academic work completed; 

      4. Records of achievement and results of evaluative tests; 

      5. Health data (including immunization records); 

      6. Disciplinary status;

      7. Test protocols; and 

      8. Individual Education Programs (IEPs) 

  14. Extracurricular Activities 

    1. A voluntary activity sponsored by the school or local education agency or an organization sanctioned by the local education agency.  Extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to

      1. Preparation for and involvement in public performances, contests, athletic competitions, demonstrations, displays, and club activities


Eligible students (defined above) have the right to

  1. Enroll locally 

    1. School records must be transferred by the previous school 

    2. Students living with a non-custodial parent or another caregiver shall be permitted to continue to attend the school in which they were enrolled while living with a custodial parent/guardian, without any tuition fee

  2. Meet immunization requirements within thirty (30) days from the date of enrollment

  3. Parents must be provided an opportunity to self-report their active duty status 

  4. Have previous course and/or grade placement initially honored; subsequent evaluation may be conducted to ensure appropriate placement during continued enrollment

  5. Have prerequisite courses waived, as appropriate 

  6. Access to any school services they are eligible for 

  7. May have attendance excused due to visitation based on leave or deployment of parent

  8. Receive assistance in staying on track for graduation

    1. Including an application for a waiver to accept previous state testing in grades 11 and 12 

  9. Fully participate in all school activities. 

Some students who are in active military families may also experience homelessness or enter the foster care system. Their educational rights under Title 1 Part A or McKinney Vento will depend on their current living arrangement/placement.


Some students who are in active military families may also experience homelessness or enter the foster care system.  Their educational rights under Title 1 Part A or McKinney-Vento will depend on their current living arrangement/placement.