Attendance Zone Appeal Process

Students entering HPS in Grades K-8 are assigned to schools based on the Attendance Zone where they reside unless they are enrolled in specific programs that are offered in designated locations. Any student who leaves and re-enters HPS will be assigned to a school based on the Attendance Zone in which they reside at the time of re-entry.  A new address may mean a new Attendance Zone School assignment.

What is a Zone Appeal?

A Zone Appeal is when a family requests that their child be placed in a school other than the school they are assigned to attend. Most students are assigned to the schools in their attendance zones based on their home addresses, but some are assigned to schools outside of their attendance zone because they have a specialized special education placement or they have been accepted into the dual language program. Zone appeals apply to grade K-8 students only. 

Zone Appeal Eligibility

Families with extraordinary circumstances may submit a Zone Appeal application. It is our intention that students attend their assigned school unless extraordinary circumstances apply. Zone Appeal approval is also subject to space availability. 

Extraordinary circumstances that have the highest likelihood of being approved are:

  • A sibling attends a different school due to a special program and the family would like their children to attend the same school.

  • A parent/guardian works at the school they would like their child to attend.

Zone Appeals for other special circumstances will be considered, but are less likely to be approved. Compelling rationale and documentation are required.


Families approved for a Zone Appeal are responsible for transporting students to and from school on time every day. 

All students who are approved for a Zone Appeal agree to follow the Zone Appeal attendance and discipline guidelines. (See Zone Appeal agreement for more information.)

Zone Appeal Application Process

The Zone Appeal Application can be found at If you need assistance, contact the Enrollment Center at 413-534-2000, Extension 1, or email

After the Enrollment Center staff receives the Zone Appeal application, the student’s attendance and discipline information are gathered. All information is brought to the Zone Appeal Committee, which meets monthly. The Zone Appeal Committee will follow “majority rules”—and in the case of a tie, the Chairperson will make the final decision. If a family decides to appeal the Zone Appeal decision, they may submit documentation to the Enrollment Center staff, who will send it to the Superintendent for a final decision.


Zone Appeals are reviewed on a rolling basis. Families are notified of the decision within six weeks of submitting the Zone Appeal application.

Zone Appeal Committee

The Zone Appeal Committee includes district leaders, school leaders, and family or community representatives.

Zone Appeal Agreement

A Zone Appeal approval is not a permanent change of placement for a student. While the family does not need to apply every school year, the student must remain in good standing and follow the HPS Student Code of Conduct. When the family is notified of a Zone Appeal approval, their acceptance requires them to transport the child to and from school on time every day and ensure that the child meets the attendance and behavior guidelines. 

To remain eligible for Zone Appeal approval:

  • The family must transport the child to and from school on time every day. The student must maintain an attendance rate of or above 92% (which is missing 15 or fewer school days each year). 

  • The student must be on time. The student must be tardy fewer than 10 times throughout the year. Students are marked tardy when they are 10 or more minutes late. 

  • The student cannot receive 3 suspensions.

If a student and family do not meet the guidelines, the school should give the family a final warning (verbal and written) and an opportunity to correct the behavior. If a final warning is given and the behavior isn’t addressed, the receiving school can refer the student and family to the Zone Appeal Committee. 

The Zone Appeal Committee will then review information submitted by the school and family to recommend to the Superintendent whether the student will remain at the approved school or return to their assigned school.  If the decision is made for the student to return to their assigned school, the receiving school and assigned school will have a meeting to discuss the student’s needs, ensure a smooth transition, and work together to best set the student up for success at the assigned school.