Nonresident Student Tuition Program
The Chapter 74 Nonresident Student Tuition Program provides students the opportunity to attend a school outside of their district of residence to study a state-approved vocational technical education program that is not offered by their district of residence. Such programs are approved pursuant to M.G.L. c. 74 and 603 CMR 4.00 and are known as Chapter 74-approved programs.
Tuition for students who attend a school outside of their resident district under this program is paid by the city or town of residence at a rate established by the Commissioner. Transportation for students who attend a school outside of their resident district under this program is provided by the city or town of residence.
Students who seek admission to a school outside of their district of residence must follow the admission process of the school to which they seek admission, including using the school-provided application for admission.
School Preference
While students may apply to any school which accepts applications from non-resident students, a district may, through its school committee, adopt a policy designating specific vocational schools as “preferred” vocational schools for purposes of the Chapter 74 Non-resident Student Tuition Program. This means that the district may direct students to apply to the preferred school(s) before applying to any other vocational school. If a student does not apply to a “preferred” vocational school the superintendent may disapprove the application for nonresident tuition. Policies designating “preferred” vocational schools must be adopted by the school committee and made available to students and their parents or guardians.
Key deadlines:
MARCH 15: A Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Education Program Nonresident Student Tuition Application must be submitted to the receiving school no later than March 15 of the preceding school year.
APRIL 1: Non-resident students must submit a Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Education Program Nonresident Student Tuition Application to the superintendent of the student’s district of residence by April 1 of the preceding year.
The official list of Chapter 74-approved vocational technical education programs is contained in the Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Education Program Directory.
More information is available inthe Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Guidelines for the Vocational Technical Education Program Nonresident Student Tuition Process Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 74.