HPS eighth graders and their families have started touring Holyoke High School’s North Campus and will soon start touring the Dean campuses. Through these tours, students have opportunities to meet with school representatives to help them prepare for an important decision they will need to make soon: Which Holyoke High School campus should they attend in the fall?
Sullivan students visited North on Monday, January 8 during the school day. They will visit Dean tomorrow, Thursday, January 25.
Holyoke STEM students visited North on Tuesday, January 9 during the school day. (See short video clip of Tuesday’s tour here.) They are visiting Dean today, Tuesday, January 23.
Metcalf students visited North on Tuesday, January 9 during the school day. They will visit Dean on Friday, January 26.
Holyoke High School North’s open house for students and families took place on Tuesday, January 9. The Holyoke High School Dean Campus open house is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24 from 4-5:30 p.m.
Both campuses offer high-interest pathways for students that result in a competitive advantage upon graduation. Both campuses:
Prepare students for career and college success;
Offer applied learning opportunities in the classroom and the community;
Are aligned to 21st century education and industry-based standards;
Provide opportunities for students to earn stackable credentials; and
Offer opportunities for advanced coursework (e.g. dual enrollment) and work-based learning (with co-op learning offered only at Dean).
At North Campus, students begin their 9th grade year in the Freshman Academy and then will select one of three theme-based academies—Performing and Media Arts, Community and Global Studies, or Engineering and Life Science—for grades 10-12.
At Dean Campus, students initially explore and later select one of nine career, vocational and technical education (CVTE) programs. Please note that the Dean Campus requires an application process. See below for more information.
HHS North students recently offered advice to future high school students through a video shared with 8th graders during their tour of North. Want to know what their advice is? Here are some snapshots of their suggestions as captured in two short video clips (clip 1 and clip 2).