What does "a good life" look like for high school students?
A recent study and report produced by the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) and the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CRPL) examined how six New England high schools are defining student success. Researchers interviewed students, caregivers, and educators over a 20-month period and found that high schools are shifting toward a more student-centered experience that helps students make informed choices about the life and opportunities they want to pursue.
Learn more about the findings and recommendations—along with perspectives and experiences of high school leaders and students—during a public webinar scheduled for 1-2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19. The discussion will be led by researchers Chelsea Waite (CRPE) and Maddy Sims (CRPL). Advance registration is required.
Opportunity Academy’s School and Community Partnerships Coordinator Christopher Smidy is one of five panelists who will join the discussion about the report’s findings. The panel also includes students and other education leaders from New England. Panelists will discuss takeaways from the report and share their recommendations for how high schools can embrace many pathways to success.