Mrs. Moguel

Corrine Moguel, a founding staff member and counselor at Holyoke STEM Academy when it launched in 2018, is taking on a new role at HPS: She has been named the new Transitions Academy Program Manager, replacing Katherine Bourque who recently took on a new role as principal of Metcalf Middle School.

The Transitions Program prepares students ages 18-22 with disabilities for their change in status from a student to an emergent adult role. The Transitions Academy focuses on facets of life as employment, post-secondary education (including functional academics, college, and career training), maintaining a home, community involvement, and enhancing social and personal relationships.

Mrs. Moguel is known for building communities that provide students a safe space to be themselves, grow, persevere, and hope. At STEM, she also served as the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) coach, 504 coordinator, and the middle school team lead for the district. Prior to working and living in Holyoke, she was a school social worker in New York.

“At the heart of my choice to move into this role is to ensure equitable access to a high quality education and opportunities for all our students,” Mrs. Moguel said. “Just as much as any other school or student in HPS, our participants at Transitions deserve that. Working side by side with the amazing staff who have put in the work and support to continue the transitions program, I'm excited to take the strong foundation they have cemented and expand on their work to provide more opportunities for our participants. Each and everyday, we will start with our participants to cultivate resilience and celebrate the beauty of diversity. It is both an honor and privilege to work with them daily!I can’t wait to see all the amazing things they do this year and beyond.”

Mrs. Moguel earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from Long Island University and a master’s degree in social work from Adelphi University, graduating from both programs with Phi Alpha Honors. In addition, she is a licensed certified social worker (LCSW).  She received the Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Award in 2022 for going “above and beyond as a fierce advocate for students and their families to ensure they have access to the services they need, as well as necessities such as food, clothing, and medication.”

Learn more about Mrs. Moguel and her inspirations in this feature story from earlier this year.