Enlace de Familias/Holyoke Family Network is a grassroots non-profit organization located in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Enlace provides parenting programming and resources to help strengthen the community and empower families to build their lives in confidence and with hope. We specialize in food, housing, and public school system referrals, but also offer our community members a variety of educational family-oriented services. We want to strengthen Holyoke’s community to identify and address their needs and aspirations.
Enlace now serves as an information hub for Holyoke residents. It is governed by a Board of Directors composed of nine members representing community residents and area service providers.
In the past, the goals of Holyoke Unites were to build bridges between providers, institutions and residents; coordinate community wide efforts where community service providers and residents would work together for the well being of families and children; and to provide services to families both directly and indirectly that would impact the well-being of their children in a positive manner to include 100% graduation rate.
Learn more about Enlace de Familias
299 Main St, Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-9300