Education & Job Training

Adult Learning Center at STCC

The Springfield Adult Learning Center is open for any member of the community who would like to obtain a General Educational Development (GED) diploma, upgrade their basic skills, or further their education.

STCC Building 27, 2nd Floor, 1 Armory Square, Springfield, MA 01102
(413) 755-4300

Care Center

The Care Center is an alternative education program for pregnant and parenting teens who have dropped out of high school. They offer GED education, onsite college courses, athletics, health services, counselors, on-site daycare, and transportation.

Care Center - Holyoke website

247 Cabot Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-2900

MassHire Holyoke Career Center

The MassHire Holyoke Career Center offers a range of training programs, educational opportunities, and assistance with job searches. Services include workshops, material, information, guidance, career counselors, and community connections. 

Career Point MA Website

850 High Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-4900

MassHire Springfield Career Center

Free memberships are available to use the following services: workshops in resume writing and interviewing, use of computers, fax machines, phones, and copiers, and access to trained professionals who will help in job searches and career planning.

95 Liberty Street, Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 858-2800

New England Farm Workers Council

NEFWC helps seasonal farmworkers attain long-term employment. Services include employment counseling, classroom training, vocational training, job search assistance, job placement, and on-the-job training with local employers.

Partners for the Community Website

225 High Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 536-5403, Extension 204

Valley Opportunity Council

The VOC offers free classes for individuals and helps develop an education and career plan for college, vocational training, or employment. They also offer English language classes and citizenship classes.

Valley Opportunity Council website

Adult Education Center
35 Mt. Carmel Avenue, 3rd Floor, Chicopee, MA 01013
(413) 612-0206

Westover Job Corps Center

Job Corps is a no-cost education and career and technical training program that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.

Westover Job Corps Website

103 Johnson Road, Chicopee, MA 01022
(800) 733-5627
TTY (877) 889-5627

Student Financial Aid

This resource is free for college students who need help applying for financial aid.

FAFSA Website