Last call to enroll in April Vacation Academy! Vacation Academy is an enrichment and learning opportunity during April break for students in grades 3-8. The program runs April 15-22 and will focus on math, with special activities such as cooking, art, and gym. Sign up for free via SchoolMint:
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.7 occurred at 10:20 a.m. this morning in North Plainfield, New Jersey. Shaking was reported in the Holyoke region, as well as Boston, Worcester, and areas in Rhode Island, and Connecticut. There has been no reported impact in Holyoke, and all schools are operating on their regular schedule.
HHS North will host the SAT on Saturday, May 4. Interested juniors must register at by April 19. Email your school counselor for a fee waiver.
Reminder: HPS schools will be closed on Friday, March 29, in observance of Good Friday. In addition, Monday, April 1, is a districtwide professional development day. No school for students except for Lawrence students who will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. (3-hour early release).
Interested families should apply soon for admission to Dual Language program. Applications are due Friday, March 22. Learn more here:
Families are invited to The IEP Improvement Project - The New IEP informational meeting presented by Holyoke SEPAC and HPS on Wednesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. Register ahead at
February Vacation Academy is scheduled for February 19-23. There are still openings available for all district middle school students. Apply using this link:
Next year’s PreK and Kinder parents! Apply for your child to be a part of the dual language program, where students learn both Spanish and English. Applications are open. Watch this short video (English / Spanish) featuring Kelly School to learn more. We also have dual language at E.N. White School or visit the district website.
Featured Scholarship of the Day! The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts is one scholarship application for over 160 local scholarships! Included in this application is the Latino Scholarship Fund of Western Mass & the Margaret Hyland Scholarship. Many HHS students get scholarships through the Community Foundation. We encourage students to apply here: Deadline: March 31st.
The Holyoke High School North Campus leadership team analyzed data and reflected on actions as part of their second quarter school improvement plan (SIP) review. Principal Lori McKenna said, “we must make sure that student success isn’t siloed. What customized wraparound supports can we provide each student who is struggling?”
Featured Scholarship of the Day! The Hagan Scholarship is worth over $15,000 per year! This scholarship is for students who have a minimum 3.5 GPA and an annual family income of $100,000 or less. Students must attend a 4 year college after graduation. To apply: Deadline: March 1st.
Holyoke High School posts many scholarships for seniors each year. February through May is heavy scholarship season! Students and families can access the HHS Master Scholarship List at the college counseling website. We encourage students to apply to as many as possible!
Holyoke Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, February 13 due to weather conditions. There will be no after-school activities. Offices will be closed. -- Las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke permanecerán cerradas el martes, 13 de febrero debido a condiciones climáticas adversas. No habrá actividades extraescolares. Las oficinas estarán cerradas.
Students who wish to apply for admission to Holyoke High School Dean campus must submit their applications by tomorrow, February 9. Rolling interviews will take place throughout February. Students will be notified on February 27 if they have been accepted or waitlisted. More information is available online: For assistance, please call (413) 534-2071.
Los estudiantes que deseen solicitar la admisión a la Escuela Superior de Holyoke Plantel Dean debe enviar su solicitud para el 9 de febrero. Las entrevistas continuas se llevarán a cabo durante todo el mes de febrero. Los estudiantes serán notificados el 27 de febrero si ellos han sido aceptados o si se encuentran en la lista de espera. Hay más información disponible en línea: Para obtener ayuda, llame al (413) 534-2071.
HPS has scheduled an in-person FAFSA Help Night from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 27 at HHS North for high school seniors (and their families!) from all three Holyoke High School campuses.
It's the last night to see "Noises Off" at Holyoke High School North. This zany, high-energy theater production is the perfect showcase for this group of students' incredible comedic timing and breath-taking pratfalls. Do not miss this! Curtain goes up at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at the door. Cash only!
February Vacation Academies have been scheduled for February 19-23 for elementary, middle, and high school students at five HPS schools to provide enriching learning experiences and English Language arts support during February break week. Find more information here, including link to register:
The January 26, 2024 edition of Together for Holyoke is now available. Follow this link to read the latest news!
Holyoke SEPAC and Holyoke Public Schools Parent Worksop: “How can parents address bullying in school.” Tomorrow, January 24, from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom. Registration link:
Holyoke High School is offering a FAFSA Help Night at 6 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24 in the HHS North cafeteria. Seniors from all three Holyoke campuses and their families are encouraged to participate if they would like help completing the FAFSA form for college financial aid.
La Escuela Superior de Holyoke está organizando una Noche de Ayuda FAFSA (Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes) el miércoles 24 de enero a las 6 p.m. en la cafetería de la Escuela Superior de Holyoke Plantel Norte. Se anima a los estudiantes de último grado y a sus familias a que participen en caso de que necesiten ayuda completando el formato FAFSA para recibir ayuda financiera para la universidad.