Interested in working for Holyoke Public Schools? Come find our booth at the job fair at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield until 7 p.m. today to learn more about current openings. HR Generalist Maria Borras and Director of Recruitment and Induction Christie Elman will be there to answer your questions!
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
two women seated at table with recruiting materials
October 16-20 is STEM Week in Massachusetts! Watch a short video from Secretary of Education Dr. Patrick Tutwiler , where he encourages students to “See Yourself in STEM.” This year’s STEM Week highlights the importance of STEM education in our fight against the global climate crisis. ¡Del 16 al 20 de octubre, es la Semana STEM en Massachusetts! Vea un video breve del Secretario de Educación, Dr. Patrick Tutwiler, en el que anima a los estudiantes a "Verse a sí mismos en STEM". Este año, la Semana STEM destaca la importancia de la educación STEM, en nuestra lucha en contra de la crisis climática mundial.
11 months ago, HPS
Holyoke Public School’s “Moving Forward” strategic plan is now available for viewing and downloading in English and Spanish. Now in its second year, the strategic plan has been updated to include new benchmarks for the 2023-24 school year that will drive strategic efforts for the second year of the plan. The English file is here: The Spanish file is here:
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Adults and teens ages 13 and up who live, work, go to school, or own property in Massachusetts are eligible to register for a free ecard membership to Boston Public Library. Signing up is easy and takes just a few moments to complete. E-card holders can then access the library’s complete collection of online resources, including an extensive number of audiobooks and ebooks in the Overdrive section of the online library, as well as books, comics, movies, TV shows and more through Hoopla streaming services. Members can also access Press Reader to read magazines (available in all languages) and the Boston Globe. Follow this link to register:
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Boston Public Library logo
In Honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are highlighting local community leader Betty Medina Lichtenstein. She is a former executive director of Enlace de Familias. She became the first Puerto Rican woman elected to hold a public office in Massachusetts in 1985 when she won the first of four consecutive two-year terms on the Holyoke School Committee. In 2019, the City of Holyoke dedicated the street next to Enlace de Familias as "Betty Medina Way" to honor her work and legacy in Holyoke.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Betty Medina Lichtenstein
This summer, the Holyoke Ethnic Studies Program, in partnership with Wistariahurst Museum and the College of Education at UMass, employed Holyoke students from HHS Dean and HHS North to archive the Ethnic Studies program's history from 2013 to 2022. Over five weeks, six young adults collaborated with professionals in various fields, enhancing their skills and community connections. Their work will be showcased at the “Youth Archivists for Social Change exhibit” at Wistariahurst Museum this Friday, October 6, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., with a panel discussion and refreshments. The exhibit will remain open during regular museum hours until October 14, 2023.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Youth Archivist For Social Change Exhibit - Friday, October 6, 5- p.m.
Join STEM Academy for their Open House tomorrow, Tuesday, October 3, from 5-6:30 p.m. Explore the school, connect with your child's educators, and learn about the different opportunities STEM Academy offers its students.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
STEM Academy Open House Flyer  - with picture of students working in class
On behalf of all students, families, and staff, HPS leaders thank our custodial and facilities team for everything you do to promote a healthy, welcoming school environment. Your extreme efforts this past summer to ensure a smooth transition with rezoning and to get our buildings ready are especially noteworthy.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Custodial staff from Kelly school working to make the school a welcoming and safe place for all.
🇵🇦 🌼 🦋 🐯Last week, students at Donahue School participated in an art class where they created "molas" drawings inspired by the country of Panama. Mola is a traditional dress in the native Guna language, which means "shirt." Women typically wear it, and it's known for its bright colors and intricate designs that feature various depictions of nature, such as animals, flowers, reptiles, and birds.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Group of Donahue School students in art class holding their drawings of Molas
Drawing of students Molas on a table
Students at work creating Molas drawings
Drawing of students Molas on a table
Donahue student smiling as she shows off her Molas drawing
Drawing of students Molas on a table
Donahue student smiling as she shows off her Molas drawing
Holyoke Public Schools students in grades 3 to 12 are invited to join the Holyoke Youth Basketball’s winter league, which runs December 5 to February 23. If you need more information, contact Ed Caisse at (413) 858-0225. To register, visit This program is free. Don't miss this exciting opportunity!
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Holyoke Youth Basketball League Flyer in English -  Winter League runs 12/5 through 2/23
Holyoke Youth Basketball League Flyer in English -  Winter League runs 12/5 through 2/23
Join us today, September 29th, at the Holyoke YMCA from 6-8 p.m. for the Leaders vs. Future Leaders basketball game. Last year, the Future Leaders lost by a point, and they're eager for a rematch. Among the Leaders are Mayor Joshua Garcia, Superintendent Anthony Soto, Holyoke Knights Head coaches Juan Maldonado and Andrea Enright, and new addition, Senator John Velis. Everyone is welcome! DJ Edski will be providing live music!
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Flyer of Leaders Vs Future Leaders Game at the Holyoke YMCA
The City of Holyoke has recognized and celebrated Hispanic and Latino cultures over the years. This photograph from 1973 captures a Puerto Rican festival during the city's centennial celebrations. These events have played a significant role in fostering community, preserving cultural traditions, and highlighting the city's rich and diverse heritage.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
A Puerto Rican festival during the city's centennial, 1973
Holyoke Public Schools offers a wide range of employment opportunities for job candidates who believe every child can and will learn. HPS employs nearly 1,300 people who together educate and support a richly diverse community of learners. We’ve invested in recruiting and retaining top quality educators who inspire bold thinking, recognize student potential, and encourage all students to work towards their goals. This week’s featured jobs include: In School Support Coordinator - Paraprofessional Special Education Inclusion - Guest Teacher (Substitute) - Paraeducator High Needs (1:1 Support). For more information or to apply, please visit our TalentEd job portal here There are numerous teaching, paraprofessional, and substitute positions available. Sign-on bonuses and/or relocation assistance may be available.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
We're Hiring Graphic! In Spanish and English with a picture of educators from around the district at the back to school fair.
Join E.N. White, Morgan, Metcalf, and Donahue for their Open Houses tomorrow, Thursday, September 28. Explore your school, connect with your child's educators, and learn about the different opportunities our schools offer our students. Donahue School Open House, 5-6:30 p.m. - E.N. White School Open House, 5-6:30 p.m. - Metcalf Middle School Open House, 4-5:30 p.m. - Morgan School Open House, 5-6:30 p.m.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Donahue Open House
E.N. White Open House
Metcalf Middle School Open House
Morgan School Open House
HPS Translator and Interpreter Sharina De León Bermúdez explains the essential role she and her Language Access colleagues play in eliminating communication barriers in this short video. Each year since 2017, the United Nations and the international community have recognized September 30 as International Translation Day to pay tribute to the work of language professionals worldwide.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Interested in working for Holyoke Public Schools? Come find our booth at the job fair at Holyoke Mall until 5 p.m. today to learn more about current openings. Our table is on the lower level of the mall, near the Macy's inside entrance.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Holyoke Public Schools table at the Holyoke Mall with materials for those interested in applying
Join Sullivan Middle School for their Open House tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27, from 5-7 p.m. Explore the school, connect with your child's educators, and learn about the different opportunities Sullivan offers its students.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Sullivan Open House Graphic - with picture of teacher at front of classroom
Juniors and Seniors from the Community and Global Studies Academy at Holyoke High School North participated in the yearly “Source to Sea Clean Up” event at Springdale Park earlier this month. They collaborated with the Connecticut River Conservancy and the City of Holyoke Office of Conservation and Sustainability to serve their community by cleaning up the area along the river.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Happening today! Join HHS North for their Open House on Tuesday, September 26, from 5-6:30 p.m. Explore the school, connect with your child's educators, and learn about the different opportunities HHS North offers its students.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools
Holyoke High School Open House: Graphic of School in the background and High School students in the hallway
The Peck School building is set to be demolished this fall to make room for a new middle school for approximately 550 students in grades 6-8. While this new building will offer improved learning facilities, there is also a sense of loss as the Peck School has served the Holyoke community for almost fifty years. Two murals at the school's entrance from 2010 have become symbolic of its history. Though these murals cannot be preserved before the demolition, they have been documented through photos and videos The ceramic tile murals resulted from an after-school program where each tile represented notable school moments or individuals.
11 months ago, Holyoke Public Schools